All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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1 book by Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan

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Team Human
by Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan
Mel is horrified when Francis Duvarney, arrogant, gorgeous, and undead, starts at her high school. Mel’s best friend, Cathy, immediately falls for the vampire. Cathy is determined to be with him forever, even if having him turn her could inadvertently make her a zombie. And Mel is equally determined to prove to her BFF that Francis is no good, braving the city’s vampire district and kissing a cute boy raised by vampires as she searches evidence in this touching and comic novel.
Chinese-American main character, male bisexual side character
bisexual, race, Multiracial, East_Asian 2012 YA

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gay lesbian
bisexual asexual
transgender nonbinary
genderqueer race
setting queered culture
multiple culture all-female
disability poly
pronouns class
intersex aromantic

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Books Anthologies Comics

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Fantasy Science Fiction Superhero Mixed Genre

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YA Adult Middle Grade

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